Sunday, November 28, 2010

Blog News!

Real life has taken over! Our blog posts have been somewhat limited over the past few weeks, but with the college semesters coming to a close, here is what we will have for you, starting Dec. 6th.

Monday - Painting/Modeling article on a Commander Dante conversion as well as a Blood Angels overview

Wednesday - General Tactics

Friday - Battle Report from the previous nights 40k game

Also keep an eye out for a Christmas raffle we will be hosting, details will be posted Dec. 1st, the prize will be unique to your 40k projects!



  1. Best wishes wrapping up the semester, I'm excited to see what you guys have planned!

  2. Thanks for consistantly viewing haha, nice to know we have at least one loyal follower! We are currently working on making the blog more structured, rather than posting all willy nilly when we feel its time to throw something up.
